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Glimpses from my poetry notebook

I've been writing for just about ten years now, but poetry was a genre I never felt I could "do" or "do well". It wasn't until college, when I started to plug into my creative voice more consistently, that I took a chance on a poetry notebook and found such catharsis in this new form of self-expression. The process has become very empowering and gratifying for me, so I hope to keep this passion alive and publish a book of my poems by the time I turn thirty. Take a look at some of my favorites below!

"Nosebleed" by Katherine Alberta


Driven by imagism and a fascination with blood as the most honest means of human expression.


Inspired by the work of Barbara Guest and the river that separates us.

"Architecture" by Katherine Alberta
"Searching" by Katherine Alberta


An exploration in game poetry and subtext.


Prose poetry about learning by example. Content warning: eating disorders

"feeding" by Katherine Alberta
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